Thursday, July 29, 2010

Springtime in Preschool!

I chose to teach the subject of plants. Today we covered the different components of a plant and their function: roots, leaves, stems, buds and flowers. The kids perused seed and plant catalogs, selecting their favorite plant and then identifying whether the picture showed roots, leaves, stems, buds or flowers.

We learned a new song to "row row row row your boat"
dig dig dig the dirt,
then we plant the seeds,
a gentle rain
the warm sunshine
will help our flowers grow.

We planted pumpkin seeds (is it warm enough on a window to germinate???) and we had a ton of fun examining the potatoes that have been sprouting. Lots of oohs, ahhs and eeeewwws later, we inserted the toothpicks and set them in clear glasses to watch what happens. Cute little kids wanted to keep checking to see if the pumpkins were growing. Too bad I'm bereft of a little "bippity boppity boo!"

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