Monday, July 1, 2013

Important Dates to Remember

August Dates:

 Back to School Night/Open House Friday, August 16 @ 7 p.m. --I will distribute 
preschool bags that night for your child to decorate and use during the school year.
  •  Short days (First day of school) Tuesday, August 20th and Wednesday, August 21th. 9-10:30 a.m.
  •  First full day of school Thursday, August 22 and Friday, August 23, 9 a.m.-12:00
 There is no charge for school dates in August. To avoid prorating, I charge a flat 
tuition of $80 starting September 1st. The August days cover some of the days we 
miss over Christmas break, so there is no charge. Please pay tuition by the fifth 
of each month.
 Thank you all! I'm looking forward to school starting.
 cell: 602-5571
 2312 Morgan Road

Preschool Fall 2013

$80 per month

$80 per month

Our schedule is roughly as follows. Special days change our routine, and as our year progresses, the recesses may be moved a little later and/or become shorter.
8:50-9 Student drop off/playtime
9:00-9:05 class begins with Show and Tell on Tuesdays and Questions on Thursdays
9:15 songs
9:30 Concept/theme –alphabet letter, science concept, holiday, etc.
9:45 At the table for art, worksheets, etc.
10 Potty Break/Snack Time, Long Recess
10:30 Story time
10:45 learning games-alphabet bingo, manipulatives, patterning, etc.
11:05 independent work: puzzles, seek and find books, etc.
11:15 Concept/Theme
11:30 second recess
11:40 At the table for art, worksheets, etc.
11:55 Shoes/bags/coats